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United with Ukraine

Our church is committed to helping our sisters and brothers in Ukraine in tangible ways.

  • PRAY – Please join us at 7:00 p.m. this Wednesday, March 9, for a Prayer Vigil for Ukraine in the Birmingham First Sanctuary. We will be accepting donations to UMCOR at the service.
  • GIVE – Monetary gifts to support ongoing relief work in Ukraine can be given through the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
  • DONATE – The Ukrainian Children’s Aid and Relief Effort is hosting a supply drive for diapers, clothing, and additional necessities for children fleeing the war in Ukraine. Donations can be brought to St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Southfield March 21-26 from 1:00-7:00 p.m. Click here for more information.


Birmingham First began a covenant relationship with a Christian Help Center (SKP HOPO) in Horni Pocernice, a suburb of Prague, 22 years ago. Their goal at that time was to remodel and reconstruct buildings on a few acres of land and open a residential shelter for homeless women with children. During those years, our church provided substantial support for their reconstruction efforts and for a period of ten years sent volunteer mission teams to work on the project. With the exception of constructing more needed housing, the work is mostly done. The Center is supported annually by the Birmingham First Mission Ministry.

However, today, in these unprecedented times, the Center finds itself being asked to provide housing and support for families escaping the war in Ukraine. There are several thousand refugees already in the Czech Republic with more arriving every day. The Center has opened its doors and is already accepting families. These families are mothers with their children and the elderly, leaving the men behind to fight.

Generous donations from the Methodist churches in the Czech Republic, a few Methodist churches in the U.S., and the General Board of Global Missions has allowed the facility to operate and support their current clients. However, the influx of refugees has created a burden on the Center and an increased need to raise more money to provide housing, food, and basic needs for the Ukrainian refugees. The Center hopes to receive some support from the Czech government and possibly some private groups and businesses who have held fundraisers for the Center in the past.

The bottom line is – they urgently need more money.

Birmingham First is asking for donations of money to help support this relief effort. We know there are many of our members who want to help in this crisis. Simply send a check to Birmingham First or make a direct contribution here.  Please indicate that the money is to go to the refugee relief effort at the Christian Help Center in the Czech Republic by noting: “Christian Help Center/C.R.” or “Ukrainian refugees in Czech Republic”

Dear Birmingham and Berkley First, We are thrilled to receive further funds from you and I must admit extremely relieved too. Thank you so much for your pledge to donate . All monies are going directly to helping the Ukrainian families staying at the shelter. The Czech Republic has received over 300,000 refugees seeking asylum and safety. Everything will be used, and will make an immediate impact to the refugees that have arrived. We involved Ukrainian children as you can see from the pictures in existing activities in the shelter. My daughter Maya also helped in the origami workshop. Dominika Kružíková from Horní Počernice UMC offered to teach Czech. Classes take place every day except Sunday. We managed to find jobs for two mothers, and another one found a job on her own in the local warehouse. I thank you wholeheartedly for your donation. PEACE FOR UKRAINE,

Chelsea-Rose Jabboori

My name is Chelsea-Rose and I am excited to be teaching in the Turquoise Room.  This is my first year teaching at First Kids.  I have many years of experience in child care and as a nanny.  I started my education with OCC and finished my CDA with TeachStone.

I come from a large family.  I am the oldest of six siblings.  We had many wonderful adventures over the years, traveling to most of the United States and some of Canada.  I have a love for nature and adventure.  I really enjoy long road trips, outdoor activities and camping.  I am an artist who enjoys painting, poetry and doing crafts.  I love to study children’s psychology and herbology.  With gentle guidance and compassion, I encourage children to explore and learn.  Children have always been my passion in life.

I am an active member of Berkley First and am happy to now be connected with Birmingham First.

I am looking forward to learning and growing with your children this school year.

Brooke Lynch

My name is Brooke Lynch, and I am excited to be your child’s classroom teacher!  This is my fourth year as a parent at First Kids Preschool and I look forward to joining the teaching staff this year.  I have a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Miami University.  I taught first grade for seven years in Chicago.  I then worked for five years as Director of Operations for a charter school management company here in Michigan.  I decided to take some time off from work once my husband Joe and I welcomed our third baby.  After two years at home with Kyle (6), Grace (4), and Griffin (2) I am thrilled to return to the classroom.  First Kids is such a special place and I feel so honored to now be part of the community as both a teacher and parent.  I can’t wait to partner with you to provide a wonderful year of fun and learning for your child!

Jillian McDonald

My name is Jillian McDonald and I am thrilled to be teaching in the Green/Orange Room.  This will be my first year teaching at First Kids Preschool.  Previously, I taught three and four-year-old preschool in the Birmingham Public Schools for six years.  Before that, I was a first grade teacher in Detroit.  Between teaching positions, I took time off to raise my three children, Madelynn, Riley and Delaney.  Madelynn and Riley are twins and will be starting their first year of college in the fall.  My daughter, Delaney will be a senior at Groves High School.  In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, reading, and going to my cottage in Northern Michigan.  I am so excited to be working with the four-year-olds.  As an early childhood educator, I love to make my students’ first experiences with school very memorable.  I enjoy helping them build their independence and self-confidence.  I like to encourage the building of a classroom community to promote social skills and conflict resolution.  I am so happy to begin this journey of learning with you and your child!

Gloria Fulton

My name is Gloria Fulton, and I am very excited to be teaching at First Kids Preschool.  I also work in childcare for Children and Family Ministries at Birmingham First United Methodist Church.  I am a member of the Garden of Faith Missionary Baptist Church where I currently teach Sunday school and assist with the youth choir.  For two years, I was co-leader of the Brownie troop at Upton Elementary, where my daughter attended school.  I have a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Central Michigan University and am currently working towards my Child Development Associate.  I  enjoy miniature golf, walking, traveling, and spending time with my family.