Unique Fellowship – Sunday Social
“It is a means of getting together with church friends for a lovely meal and great conversation,” states Toni Segitz when asked what Sunday Social means to her.
Sunday Social began in 2015 as a way for our senior members to get together for friendly, never boring, unique fellowship. Usually 20 to 50 attendees gather once a month, September through May, for a traditional catered Sunday dinner. Pastors attend the dinner to connect and enjoy the company of this fun group.
Sunday Social last met inside the church to celebrate Valentine’s Day and then went on hiatus for 7 months due to the pandemic. Recently, 20 people gathered in the Chamblis Outdoor Worship Center for a casual boxed lunch. Despite distanced seating and the chilly temperatures, everyone was glad to be together again.
Toni Segitz summarizes, “This last meeting was very special. I had not seen most of these church friends since March! And the Panera boxed lunch was great! Thanks again for making it possible.”
Organized by Caring Ministries, Sunday Social provides a way for people to connect with others and to build and maintain relationships within the church. This wonderful ministry will resume monthly when we move into the appropriate phase of the reopening plan that allows large indoor gatherings.
For questions regarding Sunday Social, please call the main office, 248-646-1200