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United Women in Faith Rummage Sale

Twice a year the United  Women in Faith of Birmingham and Berkley First conduct a rummage sale and the proceeds support mission projects locally, nationally and internationally. You can participate by donating items, volunteering or shopping!

The 2025 Spring Sale is April 27-May 2, 2025

Public Sale – April 30 & May 1

(The 2025 Fall Sale is October 5-10, 2025. Public Sale – October 8 & 9, 2025)


Easy Drive-Thru

Curbside Drop-Off

No Truck Pickup for this sale.


Sunday, April  27 from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Monday, April 28 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.



To volunteer for fun & fellowship, please contact Jane Carvell

Email or phone,



 Volunteers must be church members or be sponsored by a church member.


Morning, afternoon and evening shifts available


Wednesday, April 30 from 12:00p.m. – 8:00pm

(Regular price)

Thursday, May 1 from 10:00a.m.-1:00pm

(Regular price)

and 3:00p.-8:00pm

(50% off and/or $10 Bag)


$10 Bag night = we provide 13-gallon kitchen bag(s) to fill

(must use our bags!)


Proceeds from the United Women in Faith Rummage Sale go to the following mission projects:

  • After the Storm, Detroit
  • Baldwin Center in Pontiac and Summer Intern Program
  • BFUMC Children’s, Elementary, Middle, High School, College and Family Missionary Work Projects
  • Cass Community Social Services of Detroit
  • Grace Centers of Hope
  • Haven
  • Hope Shelters (Formerly SOS)
  • JFON (Justice for our Neighbors)
  • Methodist Children’s Home Society
  • Missionary Work Projects in Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, Ukraine, Zambia
  • Micah 6, Pontiac
  • NOAH Project, Detroit
  • Redford Brightmoor Initiative
  • Shades of Pink
  • United Methodist Retirement Center (Chelsea)
  • United Women in Faith Educational Scholarships
  • United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
  • Vista Maria
  • Walk-in Ministry

*Hot selling items:

Antiques and collectibles, Books-recent best sellers & cookbooks, Bicycles, Clothing & Shoes (no-rips or stains), Jewelry and Accessories, Home stuff-artwork, lamps, mirrors, rugs, Housewares-cookware, dishes, linens, Home & garden tools, Video Game consoles and games, DVDs, Vintage and mid-century items, Stereo/home audio equipment and small electronics in working order please!

*We do not accept:

Air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, Baby equipment (cribs, bassinettes, strollers, highchairs, seats, gates, pack’n plays), Basketball Hoops, Bicycle Helmets, Christmas Trees or Christmas lights, Computers, fax machines, printers, electric typewriters, Console or portable (old) TV’s (accept flatscreen only), Non-working Electrical items, Entertainment Centers, Office Furniture or Large desks, Organs or Pianos, Large kitchen appliances, Mattresses (of any size), Medical equipment, Textbooks  , Tires, Torn/stained furniture or clothing

Follow these tips for minimizing the time needed to sort and maximizing the money earned for missions!


  1. Don’t hide fragile items in the middle of a bag of clothing. The chances of them breaking is high.


  1. Wrap fragile items well in bubble wrap or several layers of newsprint before placing them in a box.


  1. Pack “like with like” – ie books with books, miscellaneous kitchen tools in one box, craft and sewing items with other craft and sewing items.


  1. Label boxes and bags – Housewares, Crafts, Toys, Books, etc. Even better – women’s tops, men’s pants, etc.


  1. Attach all parts to appliances with tape or a Ziplock bag attached with tape, or all together in one box.


  1. Please take a second look at the list of items we DON’T take. These items often just end up in the dumpster.


Transforming Our Church into a Mission Market

Come & see! Join us and be part of this transformational week April 27 – May 2, 2025.

This transformation takes organization, planning, a willing spirit, incredible flexibility, and Volunteers!!!  Birmingham First is the spiritual home of our congregation, the hub of many ongoing programs and ministries. Activities, Classes, and the Preschool pause to allow the UWIF Rummage Sale to utilize every available space in the church building for a week.  By Saturday, all is back in place, ready for Sunday morning worship!

NEW and returning volunteers are needed to keep our UWIF Rummage Sale running smoothly.  

JOIN US for fun & fellowship that is multi-generational as well as multi-denominational.

Help keep the funds flowing to charities and missions which depend on the Rummage Sale proceeds. 

“Use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace.” (1 Peter 4:10) 

Volunteers must be a Birmingham/Berkley church member or be sponsored by a church member.

  • Set up Team: Volunteer in a department to help set up for Sale. Many hands are needed.
  • Sales Team: Work the cashier tables Tuesday – Thursday in 3-hour shifts.
  • Cashiers: Use calculator.  Collect money.  Make change. Cashiers are FUMC members.
  • Pricers: Look up prices on the price list and call out prices to the cashier.
  • Baggers: Pack/bag items.  Mark items as paid.

Department Co-Managers: must be a Berkley/Birmingham First Church member.

Responsibility: organize/oversee your department and schedule volunteers for your department.                                      

Parking Lot Crew: needed Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.  

Door Guards: Tuesday–Thursday.  Make sure items leaving the building are tagged as paid. 

Guide shoppers to cashier tables and authorized exits.

Tear-Down Team:  shelves, racks, hangers, and boxes must return to storage on Friday afternoon 10a.-4p.

Volunteers are needed all week Sunday–Friday.  No experience necessary. Rummage Sale week is a great way to meet people and get connected at First Church Birmingham/Berkley while helping others. 

To volunteer April 27 – May 2, 2025 please call or text Jane Carvell at 248-379-2662 or the Birmingham campus Main office at  248-646-1200.

Chelsea-Rose Jabboori

My name is Chelsea-Rose and I am excited to be teaching in the Turquoise Room.  This is my first year teaching at First Kids.  I have many years of experience in child care and as a nanny.  I started my education with OCC and finished my CDA with TeachStone.

I come from a large family.  I am the oldest of six siblings.  We had many wonderful adventures over the years, traveling to most of the United States and some of Canada.  I have a love for nature and adventure.  I really enjoy long road trips, outdoor activities and camping.  I am an artist who enjoys painting, poetry and doing crafts.  I love to study children’s psychology and herbology.  With gentle guidance and compassion, I encourage children to explore and learn.  Children have always been my passion in life.

I am an active member of Berkley First and am happy to now be connected with Birmingham First.

I am looking forward to learning and growing with your children this school year.

Brooke Lynch

My name is Brooke Lynch, and I am excited to be your child’s classroom teacher!  This is my fourth year as a parent at First Kids Preschool and I look forward to joining the teaching staff this year.  I have a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Miami University.  I taught first grade for seven years in Chicago.  I then worked for five years as Director of Operations for a charter school management company here in Michigan.  I decided to take some time off from work once my husband Joe and I welcomed our third baby.  After two years at home with Kyle (6), Grace (4), and Griffin (2) I am thrilled to return to the classroom.  First Kids is such a special place and I feel so honored to now be part of the community as both a teacher and parent.  I can’t wait to partner with you to provide a wonderful year of fun and learning for your child!

Jillian McDonald

My name is Jillian McDonald and I am thrilled to be teaching in the Green/Orange Room.  This will be my first year teaching at First Kids Preschool.  Previously, I taught three and four-year-old preschool in the Birmingham Public Schools for six years.  Before that, I was a first grade teacher in Detroit.  Between teaching positions, I took time off to raise my three children, Madelynn, Riley and Delaney.  Madelynn and Riley are twins and will be starting their first year of college in the fall.  My daughter, Delaney will be a senior at Groves High School.  In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, reading, and going to my cottage in Northern Michigan.  I am so excited to be working with the four-year-olds.  As an early childhood educator, I love to make my students’ first experiences with school very memorable.  I enjoy helping them build their independence and self-confidence.  I like to encourage the building of a classroom community to promote social skills and conflict resolution.  I am so happy to begin this journey of learning with you and your child!

Gloria Fulton

My name is Gloria Fulton, and I am very excited to be teaching at First Kids Preschool.  I also work in childcare for Children and Family Ministries at Birmingham First United Methodist Church.  I am a member of the Garden of Faith Missionary Baptist Church where I currently teach Sunday school and assist with the youth choir.  For two years, I was co-leader of the Brownie troop at Upton Elementary, where my daughter attended school.  I have a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Central Michigan University and am currently working towards my Child Development Associate.  I  enjoy miniature golf, walking, traveling, and spending time with my family.