The Rev. Dr. Darryl E. Totty, Greater Detroit District Superintendent, has approved a Special Church Conference for Birmingham and Berkley First. The conference will be held on Tuesday, August 27, at 7:00 p.m. in the Birmingham First Sanctuary. The purpose of the conference is to approve candidates for ministry from our congregation and to approve revisions to the endowment bylaws. The Staff Parish Relations Committee and the Endowment Board will present their recommendations for your approval at the special church conference. Every member of our congregation has voice and vote at the church conference. If you cannot attend in person and wish to participate, please request a Zoom link from Dorothy Duensing by email at office@fumcbirmingham.org no later than August 22. The Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the conference. There will be no meal served at this conference. The Rev. Chuck Sonquist, retired United Methodist elder, will preside. Please make plans to attend.