Did you know…. In 2016, our church played an integral part in sponsoring and resettling a Syrian refugee family into our local area. Recently, the two young men, Ahmad and Hashem Farawati, successfully passed all the requirements and now are officially United States citizens. It has not been an easy or quick journey for them. But thanks to the continual support, friendship, and guidance from this church, they have realized their dream. Their parents’ citizenship applications are still pending.
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Afghan Refugee Resettlement Program July Update
26 Refugee Homes Furnished
102 Refugees Resettled
As of the middle of July, the Birmingham and Berkley First Refugee Resettlement Team in partnership with Cass Community Social Services has provided donated furnishings for 26 homes that house 102 Afghan refugees and there is more help to be given!
Over the past seven months, CASS Community Social Services and Birmingham and Berley First United Methodist Churchs have teamed up on a program to furnish the homes of newly arrived Afghan Refugees as they resettle in the Detroit area. The Refugee Resettlement Team combines all the necessary resources to support a home furnishing program such as
- a truck
- drivers
- warehouse space
- volunteers
- access to donors
- a very supportive congregation
- and the will to serve our new neighbors!
To date, we have furnished homes for refugees in Bloomfield Hills, Dearborn Heights, Westland (multiple homes), Detroit (multiple homes), and Hamtramck (multiple homes).
The refugees our church has served have come in a variety of family situations including single men, couples and families with as many as 9 children and occupy a variety of home settings including efficiency apartments, larger apartments, flats and single-family homes. Fortunately, your generous donations have made it possible for our resettlement volunteers to provide each family with a set of furnishings that suits their family size and living space.
There is more resettlement work to be done. You can sign up to volunteer in support of refugee resettlement by contacting Carol Driscoll by email (fcdriscoll@yahoo.com) or by phone (248.563.7278). We would love to add you to the team!
You can also support the refugee resettlement program by donating monetary funds for items, click here to donate online and designate your giving in the “other” box as “Afghan refugees.” Matthew’s Gospel calls us to service.
“I was hungry, and you fed me; thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your home, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me.”
Chapter 25 vs. 35-36
The Church & Society Ministry is dedicated to the work of living out our faith in our community by touching the lives of our neighbors in need and seeking justice for the marginalized among us. We are a ministry committed to the pursuit of social justice through action and engagement. The work of the ministry is ever evolving to meet social needs that are urgent and to fight injustice where we find it. C&S is about having an impact for good.