Reducing Gun Violence

The United Methodist Church
General Board of Church & Society
In response to the ever-increasing levels of gun violence and gun related deaths, the General Board of Church & Society, on behalf of the United Methodist Church (UMC), has developed the following principles upon which UMC congregations are encouraged to advocate for the reduction of gun violence.
- Universal background checks on all gun purchases.
- Ensure all guns are sold through licensed retailers.
- Require certified gun safety training for all first time gun buyers.
- Develop and apply “safe storage” requirements for firearms.
- Prohibit gun purchases by all individuals under restraining order due to threat of violence.
- Prohibit persons with serious mental illness, who pose a danger to themselves and their communities, from purchasing a gun (Red Flag Laws).
- Ensure greater access to services for those who have a mental illness.
- Establish a minimum eligibility age of 21 years for a gun purchase/possession.
- Ban large capacity ammunition magazines and weapons designed to fire multiple rounds each time the trigger is pulled.
- Promote “safe” gun technologies.
- Promote gun tracing technologies as an aid to law enforcement in tracing firearms used in a crime.
- Prohibit guns in public places such as schools, churches, airports and elsewhere
- Engage local church congregations in gun violence advocacy.
United Methodist Church General Board of Church & Society
Birmingham First’s Church & Society Ministry (C&S) has formally adopted these principles as a call to action and engagement and is committed to providing our congregation with opportunities to discuss and explore gun violence in America and to advocate for its reduction. Gun violence activity will begin this fall and will then be ongoing.
The Church & Society Ministry is dedicated to the work of living out our faith in our community by touching the lives of our neighbors in need and seeking justice for the marginalized among us. We are a ministry committed to the pursuit of social justice through action and engagement. The work of the ministry is ever evolving to meet social needs that are urgent and to fight injustice where we find it. C&S is about having an impact for good.