Multicultural Family Center Christmas Wish List
The Church & Society Ministry is sponsoring an all-church Christmas Wish List fulfillment drive as part of our ongoing support of the Pontiac-based nonprofit Multicultural Family Center (the Center) which provides family focused support services including health care, substance abuse intervention, confronting domestic violence, parenting education, English as a second language, pre- and post-natal assistance, and basic life essentials to families in need (food; clothing; shelter assistance).
During the Christmas season, the Center also provides a bundle of household needs and gifts for children to financially stressed families. The Multicultural Family Center has provided us with a Christmas Wish List that they are hoping we can fulfill. Our goal is to provide the Center with at least one of each item on the Christmas wish list.
Here is how you can participate in fulfilling the Christmas Wish List.
An Amazon wish list has been created by the Center with the items and quantities of the household needs and children’s gifts the Center desires.
Amazon Wish List: https://a.co/f1ViXqR
When shopping for items on the Center’s Christmas Wish List please follow these steps:
1. Select an item and add it to your cart. Do not click on ‘Buy now’
2. Add as many items as you like to your cart.
3. When you have completed your shopping click on ‘proceed to checkout’
4. The items you purchase should be shipped to the Center at 35 W. Huron Street, Suite 100, Pontiac, MI 48342.
5. If the Center’s address does not appear on the checkout page, proceed to the bottom of the page and click on the link “+ add a new address” and Center’s Pontiac address as shown above. Then click on use this address and proceed to checkout. Amazon will show Centro Multicultural la Familia (Multicultural Family Center) as the recipient.
Thank you for your support of this important mission.