Our Monthly Missions are a great opportunity to join with others to be the hands and feet of Christ by participating in one-day volunteer opportunities throughout our community.

What We Do
Our Monthly Mission is a time for those who can’t serve on a regular basis or are unavailable during the daytime to volunteer. Monthly Missions are a great way to do “drop-in” mission work in the local area. We serve at local non-profits such as Gleaners Food Bank, Cass Community Social Services, and Micah6. Our work consists of tasks such as sorting food, doing light construction, gardening and preparing and serving food.

When We Do It
Monthly Missions is scheduled once a month on either a weekend day or weekday evening to allow those who are unavailable during the weekdays. All are welcome! Dates and location are announced in our weekly newsletter, Steeple Notes, and in our missions newsletter, Here I Am Lord.

Upcoming Monthly Missions
To be determined.
Please Contact
Carrie Morse
Phone : 248-646-6407 Ext. 3165