Your gift is an investment in changing lives.
The Ministry Plan directs funds where they are most essential. Whether you attend Birmingham or Berkley First, worship in the sanctuary or exercise in the Christian Life Center, your tithes and offerings contribute to supporting Christ’s church locally and globally. This plan enables us to spread the message of Jesus through worship services, arts and music, events, children and student ministries, as well as global, national, and local outreach.
A strong Ministry Plan serves as the backbone for all our activities. Prioritize giving to this fund, and if possible, consider additional donations to other ministries as contributions ‘over and above’.
In Worship
Make giving a part of your worship experience by placing a check or cash in the offering plate.
You can mail a check or money order to Birmingham First, 1589 West Maple Road, Birmingham, MI 48009
Recurring Gift
Another option is to use your bank’s online bill-paying service to make payments
Feel confident in supporting Birmingham & Berkley First by donating online—our secure platform ensures your contributions are handled with the utmost safety and reliability.
TEXT TO 248-368-0033
Once you’ve completed the initial setup, contributing via text is a breeze. You will be prompted for your information the first time you text a gift to the church.
Conveniently text only a dollar amount (without the dollar sign) to contribute to the Ministry Plan.
Text any dollar amount along with the fund name to direct giving to a specific fund. For instance: 50 Berkley, 20 Hunger, 30 Missions.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts open doors for our donors, our congregation, and, above all, the many recipients of our generous contributions. Deciding on the most suitable gift is just as crucial as the act of giving itself. There are various options available, each with distinct advantages, especially concerning income tax considerations.
Non-Cash Gifts
Contact: Frank Turco
Director of Finance and Operations
248-646-1200 ext. 3133