Update: Samaritas, our social services agency that we partner with, can use bicycles for the refugees. If you have a bike that is in good shape and can donate please contact
Sue Smith at sue.smith@beachcom.net.
About: Birmingham First has joined The Greater Detroit District’s Refugee Resettlement Program through Church and Society. On June 24, we provided the necessary family home furnishings (except for large appliances) to a mom and her three daughters who arrived in the United States from Syria on June 1. Their husband/father was killed in their country’s war. The move in happened quickly as we were given very short notice as to when they would arrive in our country.
Donate: If you can help contribute to funding their home purchases and supplies, please visit the church website https://www.fumcbimingham.org and click on “ give now”.
Set your giving account per instructions and then select “Other” as your giving category and enter refuge resettlement as your “other” definition. Then enter the amount and payment method.
Or you can drop off a check to the church with “refuge resettlement” in the memo line. Thank you. Please include this family in your prayers as they learn to live, work, and go to school in our country and nearby community.